11.07.2024 Articles

To address the complexities that arise from the evolving regulatory requirements, Regulatory Technology (RegTech) has emerged as a crucial solution. RegTech offers innovative tools to modernise compliance functions, streamline processes, and enhance efficiency.

This article explores the role of RegTech in revolutionising compliance and reporting within the banking sector, particularly under the stringent requirements of Basel IV and the EU-CRR/CRD Regulations.


Understanding RegTech

RegTech, refers to the use of technology to manage regulatory processes within the financial industry. It encompasses a wide range of applications, from automated regulatory reporting to advanced data analytics and real-time monitoring. RegTech aims to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the accuracy of compliance activities.

The evolution of RegTech has been driven by the increasing complexity of regulatory requirements and the need for financial institutions to adapt swiftly. With the introduction of Basel IV, which brings new ways to calculate risk-weighted assets (RWAs), RegTech has become indispensable in ensuring compliance and optimising risk management practices.


Challenges in traditional compliance functions

Traditional compliance functions face numerous challenges, that limit performance and efficiency and increase cost.

Manual processes and inefficiencies

Compliance tasks often involve manual data entry and report generation, which are time-consuming and prone to errors. These manual processes hinder efficiency, leading to delays in compliance reporting and increased operational risks. The reliance on manual inputs also increases the likelihood of human errors, which can result in inaccurate data and regulatory breaches. By automating these tasks, RegTech can significantly reduce inefficiencies, enhance accuracy, and allow compliance teams to focus on more strategic activities that add value to the organisation.

High costs and resource-intensive operations

Maintaining compliance requires substantial financial and human resources, making it a costly endeavour for banks. Compliance teams need to stay updated with regulatory changes, conduct regular audits, and ensure all processes meet stringent standards. This often involves hiring specialised staff and investing in training and technology, leading to high operational costs. RegTech solutions can alleviate these financial burdens by automating routine tasks, reducing the need for extensive human resources, and providing cost-effective tools that streamline compliance operations.

Slow response to regulatory changes

Adapting to new regulations is often slow and cumbersome, resulting in compliance risks. Traditional compliance frameworks struggle to keep up with the dynamic regulatory environment, where changes are frequent and complex. This slow adaptation can lead to non-compliance, as institutions fail to implement new requirements in a timely manner.

On the other hand, RegTech solutions enable faster response to regulatory changes by providing real-time updates, automated rule changes, and agile compliance frameworks. This ensures that financial institutions remain compliant with the latest regulations, reducing the risk of penalties and enhancing their ability to operate smoothly in a regulated environment.


Core components of RegTech solutions

RegTech solutions offer several core components that enhance compliance functions aiming at improved performance, efficiency and faster response in regulations’ advancements.

Automated regulatory reporting

Automation streamlines the generation and submission of regulatory reports, reducing manual effort and increasing accuracy. In that manner, automated reporting systems can quickly compile data from various sources, apply regulatory rules, and generate accurate reports in the required formats.

Furthermore, automated Risk Management systems can adapt to regulatory changes promptly, ensuring that reports remain compliant with the latest standards.

Advanced data analytics for compliance

Data analytics tools help banking institutions analyse vast datasets to identify compliance risks and opportunities for improvement. These tools can process large volumes of data, uncovering patterns and trends that may indicate potential compliance issues. Thus, advanced analytics enable proactive risk management by identifying areas of non-compliance and providing insights for corrective actions. By leveraging data analytics, banks can make informed decisions, optimise their compliance strategies, and ensure they meet regulatory requirements more effectively. This enhances their ability to manage risks and maintain a strong compliance framework.

Enhanced risk management frameworks

Advanced algorithms and models improve risk assessment and management, aligning with Basel IV requirements. RegTech solutions offer sophisticated risk management tools that can evaluate various types of risks, including credit, market, and operational risks. These tools use advanced algorithms to provide accurate risk assessments, enabling banks to allocate capital more effectively and maintain financial stability. By aligning with Basel IV requirements, RegTech enhances the institution’s ability to manage risks and comply with regulatory standards.


Standardised and IRB approach

Basel IV introduces significant changes in how risk-weighted assets (RWAs) are calculated, impacting both Standardised and Internal Ratings-Based (IRB) approach calculations.

Standardised approach (SA)

The Standardised Approach involves using fixed risk weights assigned by regulators for different asset classes. It is simpler but less sensitive to individual risk profiles. Under Basel IV, the SA aims to improve risk sensitivity and comparability among institutions. It simplifies the calculation process by providing predefined risk weights, making it easier for smaller institutions to comply.

However, this simplicity comes at the cost of lower risk sensitivity compared to the IRB approach, potentially leading to less accurate risk assessment. Despite the limitations, the SA provides a straightforward compliance path for institutions that may struggle with the complexities of the IRB approach, balancing simplicity, and regulatory adherence.

Internal ratings-based (IRB) approach

The IRB Approach allows banks to use their own risk models to calculate RWAs, subject to regulatory approval. It offers greater risk sensitivity and customisation. Basel IV enhances the IRB approach by introducing stricter validation and approval processes for internal models. This ensures that the models accurately reflect the institution’s risk profile. The IRB approach requires robust data collection, sophisticated modelling techniques, and continuous validation to maintain compliance and accuracy.

Implementing the IRB approach is resource-intensive and requires regulatory approval. Institutions must invest in data infrastructure, modelling expertise, and ongoing validation processes. Despite these challenges, the IRB approach’s precision and customisation capabilities make it a valuable tool for accurately assessing and managing risk.

The Role of RegTech in enhancing Standardised and IRB Approaches

Regardless of what approach suits better the size and the objectives of each banking institution, RegTech has a significant role in enhancing overall compliance performance.

Improving accuracy and efficiency

RegTech tools enhance the precision of risk assessments in both approaches, ensuring compliance with Basel IV. Automated systems and advanced analytics improve the accuracy of risk models, reducing errors and inconsistencies. By integrating RegTech solutions, institutions can streamline the calculation of RWAs, making the process more efficient and reliable. This ensures that risk assessments align with regulatory standards, enhancing the institution’s ability to manage risk effectively.

Facilitating transition and integration

RegTech solutions support the seamless integration of Standardised and IRB approaches, enabling institutions to navigate regulatory requirements effectively. These solutions provide tools for data management, model validation, and compliance reporting, simplifying the transition between approaches. RegTech also offers platforms for integrating different risk assessment methods, ensuring consistency and accuracy. By facilitating the adoption and integration of these approaches, RegTech helps institutions meet Basel IV requirements while optimising their risk management strategies.


Regulatory Compliance out-of-the-box


The impact of RegTech in compliance functions

The adoption of RegTech significantly transforms compliance functions, improving accuracy and consistency in reporting, while enhancing overall performance.

Streamlining compliance workflows

Automation reduces manual tasks, freeing up resources for strategic activities. RegTech tools automate data entry, report generation, and other routine tasks, allowing compliance teams to focus on higher-value activities. This not only improves efficiency but also reduces the risk of human errors. Streamlined workflows enable faster compliance processes, enhancing the institution’s ability to respond to regulatory requirements promptly and effectively.

Enhancing accuracy and consistency

Automated systems minimise errors and ensure consistent regulatory reporting. RegTech solutions provide accurate data validation, reducing the risk of discrepancies in reports. Consistent reporting ensures that banks meet regulatory standards. By eliminating manual errors, RegTech enhances the reliability of compliance processes, ensuring that institutions provide accurate and timely information to regulators.

Reducing compliance costs

RegTech solutions lower operational costs by reducing the need for extensive human resources. Automation and advanced analytics streamline compliance processes, reducing the workload on compliance teams. This allows institutions to allocate resources more efficiently, lowering overall compliance costs. RegTech also reduces the need for extensive training and manual oversight, further cutting operational expenses. By leveraging technology, institutions can achieve cost-effective compliance while maintaining high standards of accuracy and efficiency.

Faster adaptation to regulatory changes

Advanced technologies enable quicker adjustments to new regulations, maintaining compliance with minimal disruption. RegTech solutions provide real-time updates and automated rule changes, allowing institutions to adapt swiftly to evolving regulatory requirements. This ensures that compliance processes remain up-to-date and accurate, reducing the risk of non-compliance. Faster adaptation to regulatory changes enhances the institution’s ability to operate smoothly in a dynamic regulatory environment, ensuring they meet all legal obligations promptly.


Future trends and developments in RegTech

Looking ahead, several trends are poised to shape the future of RegTech. Over the next few years, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will further enhance compliance functions by providing advanced risk analysis and predictive insights. As AI and ML technologies continue to evolve, they will play an increasingly critical role in RegTech, providing financial institutions with powerful tools to manage compliance effectively.

Moreover, RegTech solutions will become more accessible to smaller financial institutions, democratising compliance. Advances in technology and cost reductions will enable smaller institutions to adopt RegTech tools that were previously out of reach. This will enhance their ability to meet regulatory requirements, reduce compliance costs, and compete effectively in the market.

On the other hand, by expanding access to RegTech, the banking industry can ensure that all financial institutions, regardless of size, can leverage advanced technologies to enhance their compliance functions and meet regulatory standards.

Regulators and technology providers’ ongoing collaboration will ensure that RegTech solutions meet regulatory requirements and address industry challenges efficiently. By working together, regulators and technology providers can develop standards and frameworks that ensure the effectiveness and reliability of RegTech solutions.

This collaboration also helps identify emerging risks and challenges, enabling the development of proactive solutions. By fostering a collaborative environment, the banking industry can ensure that RegTech solutions continue to evolve and meet the needs of financial institutions and regulators, enhancing the overall effectiveness of compliance functions.


What lies ahead for RegTech

The transformative role of RegTech in modernizing compliance functions cannot be overstated. As financial institutions navigate the complexities of Basel IV and the EU-CRR/CRD Regulation, RegTech provides the tools necessary to streamline processes, enhance accuracy, and reduce costs. Embracing these technologies is not just a necessity for compliance but a strategic advantage in an evolving financial landscape.

RiskAvert, the robust Risk & Compliance platform, stands out as a critical ally for banking institutions striving to achieve regulatory compliance. Offering Compliance & Reporting Out-of-the-Box, RiskAvert provides a unified and modular environment that integrates seamlessly with existing systems.

By leveraging RiskAvert, institutions can confidently meet Basel IV obligations, establish a single point of truth, and rest assured that they remain compliant and up to date with the regulatory framework advancements.



RegTech is the new FinTech [Deloitte]

Regulatory technology (RegTech) Navigating the right technology to manage the evolving regulatory environment [EY]

Unlocking the potential of RegTech [KPMG]

Risk & Regulatory Insights [Grant Thornton]